Q: If I want to update or correct my family tree, how can I completely remove it?
A: A family tree cannot be completely removed
The data in a family tree is linked to a lot of variables (e.g., parent-child relations, identified MRCA's, the side the TG is on for one or more DNA tested people, etc.), so every change will have a big impact.
In short, there are two solutions:
1) Manual editing
If there are only few people that you want to correct, it's best to to do this manually. To delete someone manually, make sure that this person isn't having either a descendant or ancestor line before you delete this person (as you would need to reconnect the line to the correct person first unless it's already connected with the right person).
You can access your family tree by clicking on the family tree icon on the top menu, and then move it (while keeping the left mouse button pressed) until you get to the right, duplicate person.
Then click on the "Pencil" icon to edit it:
and click on the red "Delete" button (you cannot undo this action!):
Repeat these steps until all errors are fixed.
2) Reimport a GEDCOM file
You can always import a GEDCOM file with updated data on a specific person (yourself, a DNA cousin of yours or a member of your family you have created, e.g. your Great-Great Uncle).
When importing a large GEDCOM file, please be aware that it will take a long time to import and review all the potential matches between your existing family members and those in your GEDCOM.
When possible, extract only the portions of your GEDCOM you wish to update if your genealogy program supports it. Consider manual editing instead (see solution #1).
You need to note that every GEDCOM or Ahnentafel file imported is from the perspective of a specific person (the person you selected as the main, starting person). This is most likely either the family tree tile you clicked, or the orange "Family tree" card. The orange "Family tree" card usually refers to the currently selected DNA kit (see the top right for its name).
Thus, our app searches for all blood relatives of this person and ONLY imports them!
For example, if you have a family tree for one or more of your DNA cousins in your GEDCOM file and import it onto your own family tree tile, they will only be identified and updated if they are connected to your family tree. Otherwise, you will need to import the file again on their family tree tile.
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