What do the colors mean in the network feature?
The colors in the network represent clusters of DNA cousins that were grouped together because of their relative closeness to each other.
Whilst the network shows all connections (that have been checked so far, please see if there's a "Confirm Cousin" card for this triangulated group) between the DNA cousins in a specific triangulated group, our algorithm clusters them further into sub-groups if that makes sense from the network indicators that we have selected to be calculated.
Keep in mind that whilst you might have only distant relatives in a triangulated group, other DNA cousins will most likely have much closer relationships which should be explored as they will provide the necessary clues to most recent common ancestors (MRCA's).
In the above example you can see 3 different clusters and whilst I'm in the green cluster with my mum we also have a third person Jerry who is also part of that cluster. Notice that the distances are calculated based on all connections, so whilst Marieta West is my mum she is positioned further away than expected to represent all relationships in the network. We use the centiMorgan between DNA cousins to generate the network and its sub clusters.
The colors by itself are chosen randomly and don't represent the paternal (blue) or maternal (pink) side that we use eg on your triangulated groups to illustrate on which side it is.
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